Media & information material

This page is to list media sources and information material related to Open Source Gardens.


We are about creating a media archive that contains pictures from Open Source Gardens and Open Source Plants growing out of Open Source Seeds or Open Source Technologies in use. As soon as this is in place we will link from here and post about it in our usual channels.

Until then we have a selection of pictures in our cloud out of which we also created this collage:

Download as PDF / SVG


We have several prints from Open Source Gardens that you can print out by yourself and use them to promote the idea of Open Source Gardens:

A general open source gardens leaflet in A4 in German and English. The leaflet illustrates in short the idea and the concept behind Open Source Gardens.

A leaflet about our spring campaign #ConnectingGardens. The leaflet illustrates in short the idea and the concept behind Open Source Gardens.

An A5 information leaflet and if you print it double-sided on A4 and then cut out the A5's it will show on one side our vision and on the other side the online channels that people can use to connect.


We have a video channel that is living on where we upload and post related videos. For example:

"Openness sown - freedom grown!"